Thursday, December 8, 2011

I need serious military advice (JAG) do i still have to pay her?

I'm in the military. Married. Wife was staying in the house we both leased while i was deploy. Both of our names on the lease(May2011 - April 2012). So anyway, I get an email from my landlord to contact them about the place i was leasing, so i did. They tell me the rent hasn't been paid and no one has been in the house for a while cause the gas and electricity is off and there was spoiled rotten food left in the fridge. So pretty much she just up and left. Left all my things in the house along with her financed furniture. I say ok. So now they want me to pay full months rent which is 550, keep my 400 dollar deposit and pay a extra 240 in late fee's. Now this whole time i have been deployed to Iraq. (July 2011 - Present) The military makes married soldiers provide for there spouse in which i send her 680 a month for rent not to mention she just got out of the military at the beginning of October so she will receive a nice lump sum plus unemployment. Now i agreed to pay the full months rent but them keeping my deposit in whole and paying the late fee's. I don't agree with. The wife, I don't know her where about since she cut me completely off. Last time i checked she was home in Mississippi. Now can someone give me some advice on what i can do about this. I don't mind taking this to court cause i have copies of my orders showing my deployment time frame and it shows in my allotments that i send my wife 680 dollars a month. I know the wife isn't gonna get off that easy.|||Drop that *****. Get rid of the house once you get back and live on base. I hate it when bad things happen to good people like you. I hope everything turns out good for you.|||This is why I will not get married while in the military.|||You have two separate issues here:

1. You have the rent issue for a lease with your name on it.

So you are responsible for all rent, late fees, etc, same with utility bills.

Your deployment doesn't matter, what your wife did doesn't matter.

You have to pay your bills, your names on the lease, so its your bill.

2. Your wife is a different issue.

Now she may owe you money, since she didn't use what she was paid to pay the bills

But thats between you and her, you cannot withhold money from the landlord, because of what your wife did or did not do.

3. other than divorcing her, there is really nothing you can do|||Cut that biiiitch off ASAP and pay what ever you have to the house owners. The only part I am not sure what to do is about your stuff in the house. You need someone to put it in storage.|||If your still in Iraq the only thing I can tell you is to get with your chain of command, inform them of what is going on and see about getting SJA involved since you are deployed. There has to be a way to cut slingload on this lease, maybe get the rear det to recover your items inventory and put them in storage at the unit and mitigate your losses on this lease as soon as possible. I am not entirely "read" on the Soldiers and Sailor relief act but I have to think that in this scenario it would help you to a degree but again, you need some serious legal help from where your at to reach stateside to resolve the rent issue and at least for now, get you out from under that. Once you get back you can just ask for billets or rent again. What I would do in the meantime however is keep copies of everything including emails, voice mails, any documents or letters and especially any and all documents concerning the rental property your wife abandoned to include the repossession of that furniture which by marriage is going to dick up your credit report too. Get your Command and SJA involved and get out from under that lease. When you get back divorce her sorry azz. After that take her to Small claims court and sue up to the state allowed maximum for the damages she caused you (monetary) by abandoning the rental property which you were paying her money to pay for the rent on top of her military pay check. I don't understand why they would force you to pay her anyway if she was on AD till last month, sounds ludicrous but hey, I was in the Army too so I can believe it. That's the best I can do for you. I know things are winding down so maybe SJA has already popped smoke but there are other avenues to help you but get your COC to help you too. They are the ones that are going to have to deal with this crap too if the landlord takes legal action so at least if they don't help you then they can't come back and bite your for it since you did inform them and did ask for help to resolve it since your deployed.|||Well you have to pay all of that...

They could make you pay every cent until the Lease is done...

Stop your allotment...

Cancel your POV...ASAP...

(If JAG gives you a hard time...push it...

They are just full of BS...)

Bet she wiped out your Bank Account...

Open another Bank Account and have your

money deposited into it...(One that she cannot access...)

File for Divorce...abandonment...

Put a small announcement in the local paper...

" I will NOT be responsible for any Debts

not made by me Personally...

There is NO legal POV in effect...!!!!

You can do most of it via computer...

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