Friday, December 16, 2011

What Effect Does Air Travel For Our Politicians Have On the Global Climate?

Do the airplanes, limos, supporting staff's travel and other forms of transportation have a significant effect on Global Warming? Why cant these concerned politicians use less impacting forms of transportation for communication?|||Typical behavior of the holier-than-thou GW alarmist. Do as I say, not as I do. If GW is such a huge problem, you would think the alarmists would be taking drastic action including eliminating private jets, limos, SUV's, etc. while on the campaign trail. Judging by their actions, GW must not be a problem. Or worse, they expect peons like us to make all of the sacrifices necessary to "save the planet" while they continue to fly in private jets, live in huge mansions, and continue their opulent lifestyle with a gigantic carbon footprint.|||All air travel accounts for about 1.6% of human greenhouse gas emissions鈥?/a>

However, greenhouse gases emitted by airplanes have a factor of 2.7 greater effect on global warming than emissions from ground sources, so it's more like 4%. Still, it's not a very large contributor.

Certainly like everyone else, politicians should try to do what they can to minimize their effect on global warming. However, politicians often need to travel in order to meet with other government leaders, etc.|||Do you drive to work ,or the store ,or to the bar? If ALL the politicians stopped using fossil fuels, global warming would still continue !|||They do. Really, they're mostly doing it for the popular support of the people. It makes the people think that they "care"|||Honestly, politicians cause more global warming by blowing hot air than they do by traveling in an airplane.

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