Friday, December 16, 2011

What are your thoughts on other dimensions and time travel?

I myself really do not understand the concept of other dimensions too well and I'm sure many others don't either. I was watching the science channel one day and they were talking about time travel and how it's possible that there are people from the future trapped in our time, because they don't know how to get back. They also mentioned something about how you could time travel and end up in a dimension that looked exactly like the one you are from, but it isn't. The idea that there actually is a future world going on at the same time as our own world is mind boggling. All of the people interviewed were respected scientists, so they obviously knew what they were talking about. What are your thoughts on time travel and other dimensions?|||We'll take the other dimensions question first. You have to remember that the discussion on time travel probably was talking about different universes or timelines. My viewpoint on dimensions is that they represent directions that can be traveled. Our everyday lives have four dimensions: height, width, depth and time. Some theories suggest that there may be as many as 26 dimensions in our universe but that the additional dimension are so tightly bound that we cannot perceive them through our regular senses.

Another set of theory suggests that our four-dimensional universe exists within a fifth-dimensional space. You may have come across this in discussions about ekpyrotic cosmology. One concept of this cosmology is that the Big Bang was an artifact of our universe "colliding" with another universe in this five-dimensional space.

For the most part, I don't know who is right about the structure of the universe. It will depend on who can come up with suitably detailed experiments that can prove one theory or another.

In terms of time travel, there are apparently some solutions to the relativitiy theories based on Einstein's work that will allow time travel into the past. However, one concept is that if you attempted to travel into the past, you would end up in another universe/timeline where you existed in the past. You would have effectively left your previous timeline as that timeline did not have you going into the past. To a certain extent, this concept steps around the concept of causality as it has an effect (your arrival in the past) taking place before the cause (your leaving the present).

This would mean that you would not be able to return to your original timeline as that timeline had no experience of your time travel. You would be effectively stranded in a timeline that would be, for all intents and purposes, just like the one you left with the only difference in that there would now be a time-traveler in it.

This situation is similar to the one you mentioned re: travelers from the future currently in this timeline. The question is whether this is the case. Are they being very good at keeping themselves under cover or is it that they don't exist? I would think that if they were isolated from their original timelines, they might want to use whatever tech they have to improve their positions here. However, short of Windows and such, I haven't seen any such ... hey!|||Time travel into the future is easy and has been done already. (If by time travel you mean "I stay about my same age, while things around me pass much further into the future." ) All you have to do is physically move much faster than the folks into whose future you want to travel. Einstein says then your time and your aging will pass slowly while theirs passes normally. You land in their future. Astronauts and clocks have long since been sent into the future (by a few seconds), that is, the future of the rest of us they return to, just by speeding in their rockets so much faster than we down here are moving.

Time travel into the past doesn't seem possible. Even the physicists who appear on the Art Bell radio show saying they know how to (using photon vortices) don't claim a person could move into the past and then return here, so that's not really travelling.

Additional dimensions are something NOBODY can understand or conceive of through experience. I certainly don't. But much or most of the scientific community believe our own universe consists of 10 OR 11 SPATIAL DIMENSIONS, the ones above #3 being tightly subatomically "curled" around the ones we see with our eyes. (Whatever that means.) Even if real, higher dimensions are more a mathematical scheme that anything you can play with or see or operate in or move in/out of. They sort of only were useful during the first few moments after the Big Bang. However the scientific community is beginning to back away from the thought of higher dimensions at all (thank goodness -- they don't make sense!!), as String Theory falls into disfavor. So the dumbest of us were right all along!|||a dimension is usually the measure of something. the 3 dimentions is the measure of length and time travel is possible with black holes anyway got to and you will find a lot of answers|||If time is a dimension, then motion through it in all directions should be possible. But, like a black hole, if the gradient is too steep, then travel is only going to be "one way". String/brane theory of additional dimensions is more mathematics than physics (so far). Mathematicians can (and have) create all sorts of multidimensional spaces. Most have no relation to reality and have little utility, some are useful in limited contexts: as far as I know they haven't yet come up with a space totally consistent with all of our observations of our space. But they're trying! Until they do we can just count the 5 dimensions we know about x,y,z, t and p (for probability). Oh, then there's spin... and...|||The standard view on dimensions is 3 + 1--3 for space and 1 for time, after Einstein's concept of space-time in general relativity (which has been verified in several experiments). Theoretical analyses such as the string theory suggest that there are up to 10 dimensions, and there also exists theories that may make travelling back in time possible. However, these theories are not currently testable or verifiable by experiments (though it is true that they are inspired by verified laws of physics), so they should not be considered as science at this stage (at least this is a common view held by the experimentalists in my physics department; I mean no offense to the theoretical physicists).|||Everything you are asking relates to quantum physics. Also to the same extent it relates to video games. Please let me explain. In Quantum Physics is states that anything can happen, absolutely anything, one thing can change to another, can get bigger, smaller, even change color and mass at incredibly small levels. Anything can happen, and does, just in an "infinite" number of dimensions. It has even been proven that things go back in time for undetermined amounts of time. I state, it is imposssible, IMPOSSIBLE, to go forward in time while staying in the same dimension. That is just how it is.

Fate, if you believe in such a thing, does not exist in the way you may think it does. We do not have a preset destiny, and we do not entirely have control over our own destinies, instead we have a number of roads we may choose, incredibly large amounts of choices, "bordering" on infinite, in every dimension we have a choice, so you could say every time we make a decision we jump dimensions.

Not knowing the class of mind that you are, I wont go into detail, no offense. Although I will say the only way we could travel into the future, if at all, would be to jump dimensions. and the only difference inbetween them could be that a single quark in an atom in a sun in some foreign galaxy is moved to the right and infinitely small amount, for all we know.

Now about video games, less about video games actually, and more about video game engines... Video game engines are almost exactly like the real realm. Like the age-old question "If an unstopabble object hits an immovable object, what happens?" Well in a game engine, and also in quantum physics, called tunneling. If an object's mass and speed is too much for the universe, or game, to handle, then it goes straight through it without any disturbance. Well, that, or then entire universe would cease to exist, much like an exception error in a game.

I hope this helped, if you have any questions, ask Einstein.|||very vague|||I believe there are many dimensions that humans dont yet understand. Some very smart people set up the concept of measuring time based on revolution around the sun (year) and rotation of the earth about its axis (day). This was further divided into minutes and seconds. However, this is time set up be mere mortals that applies only to earth, which we know if a very small portion of the total universe.

We see pulsars (stars that brighten and darken in a rapid pattern) from thousands of lights years in distance. We also know that closer stars swell over a very long lifetime. I believe what as seen as a rapid pulsar may seem like a very long and drawn out process to those in close proximity to the star.

What if our own sun is expanding what seems to be slowly here. This would be one theory for global warming that also explains the temperature rising on mercury at the same time. An observer many years into the future (as we know it) may be looking at our sun as a pulsar, rapidly expanding and contracting several times each second as if a pulsar. This is one example of how time, distance, and velocity could work together in a way not fully comprehended by humans.

On the other hand, I dont believe living humans will be able to withstand the psyhcological stress of time travel. Even though to outside observers we may be in a rocket moving at the speed of light and be time traveling, inside the rocket, time is moving as it always has and we would die of old age before we went a couple million miles. Even in a state of sleep our bodies would age. But then again, if the rocket was a fully functional ecosystem capable of supprting sustainable life cycles and if families went out, then some future generation could return and this would be one form of time travel.|||So far the only dimension we know of are the three of space and one of time. Time travel is constantly occuring, when your hand is moving relative to your body, it is in a different time frame.|||Based on the uniqueness and the extrodinary properties that make life on earth possible. I would say that these are nothing more then human fantasy. The complexity of the dimensions and experience of time that we all share is more then we can imagine. So something beyond that would seem to be irrealevent...Knowing what we know about Classical %26amp; Quantum physics, it's virtually impossible that our universe was not designed by some intelligent force. Just the principle of the Strong Force alone, The force that binds positively charged protons together inside the nucleus of an atom, that should repel each other and fly apart, is so remarkable that it cannot be an accident of nature.|||Honestly, anything is possible. It seems that us human beings are expanding our realm of what is real. I believe that many parallel 'dimension' or 'universes' exist simultaneously, but on another vibration. Hard for many to comprehend (myself included!), but not impossible.

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