Monday, December 12, 2011

Paypal deposited free money in my account?

Okay I know paypal pretty well. Awhile ago they tried taking out a lump sum out of my bank account for a dispute, well I didn't have the money available, then they tried a 2nd time, didn't have that amount available that time either. I had the dispute taken care of while all this is happening. Now, it says it's cleared and the money they were supposed to transfer is available in my paypal account 'free money'. I'm afraid to touch it, due to they might realize their mistake. And, I haven't received an e-mail stating that it 'cleared'. Has anyone else had this happen? What should I do? It's their mistake, NOT mine, they weren't supposed to take out the money to begin with. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks.|||usually it says what the money is for if you click on the transaction details.

It may be to repay you because paypal doesn't update things well, and when they tried to withdraw money it may have been successful unknown to you. The only way to tell would be to check your itemized bank statement.

It may also have been to pay off the fee's that may have incured from them trying to withdraw the money.

If there is no explenation and you are sure they never withdrew any money then I would mail them and not touch it until you get a response because you have to remember you are under their contract and rules when you signed up, they can try and take it back later if it really was a mistake.|||Doesn't matter if it is their mistake or not, if they realize it they are fully within their rights to take the money back. I would try to get it taken care of before you are tempted to spend it.

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