Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How long is the travel warning to Mexico likely to last?

I'm planning to study abroad in Mexico this summer but my university due to school policy my have to cancel the trip if the travel warning is still in affect come May. Does anyone have an educated estimate for how long this warning may last?|||hey there depends what state will you will study on if u go to borders towns like reynosa cuidad juarez tijauana u will come back on a coffin becuase drug lords are there based central and south mexico are very safe to come ok|||Probably for years as the violence is due to the wars between drug gangs wanting all the business in the ul.s. However, this violence is in the border towns...the rest of Mexico is completely different. I live in southern mexico 20 minutes from the state capital...a city of several huge universities with thousands students from all over the world. There is no problem of violence here...same in 99% of Mexico. Just because there are violent gangs in south central L.A. would be no reason to not go to college in Chicago, or Atlanta, or other parts of the U.S. Makes no sense. Mexico is a very large country...you can live here for years and years and never witness any violence. Hope you ae able to come.|||indefinite. probably forever

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