Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is it safe to travel a long distance by car during the first trimester?

My husband and I plan to visit his family by driving from California to Montana. It will take us about 2 days each direction. I will be 7-8 weeks pregnant at that time. Is it safe for me to travel so long in a car? BTW, I am 5 weeks along right now %26amp; have no morning sickness.|||I asked my dr the same thing for my trip coming up.. 8 hours long. He told me that it is VERY important to stop every hour - hour and a half and walk around for a few minutes. He said that pregnant women could get blod clots and that it is something very major.

So, he said get out and walk every hour or two and I'll be fine and to stay hydrated.|||its perfectly fine|||Yes, of course it's safe. Why wouldn't it be?|||Yes you only worry about travling in your 3rd tri.|||Yes, you are pregnant, not sick! If you were in your third trimester I would have said no. But you will be fine, just make sure you keep drinking your water and have lots of bathroom breaks...to pee and stretch your legs. Hopefully the morning sickness won't come to you at all...but if it does it might be a few more weeks til it shows up...so that might make your long trip miserable. Good Luck with your pregnancy!!|||You should be fine, make sure you take stuff like crackers and sprite just in case you start getting morning sickness.

I'm 20 weeks and driving 20 hours this weekend.

Congrats :)|||stop frequently for potty breaks to stretch your legs

you'll do fine|||My understanding is that it should be completely safe. The only downside is that if morning sickness does start up (which it does for some around this time - not unusual for you not to have it yet) is that you might feel like complete crap. I'd suggest getting online to find ways to sooth nausea (ginger, soda water, bland foods, etc) to get you through the trip. Safety wise though, no problem.

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