Friday, December 16, 2011

Is it safe to travel to Disneyland with the swine flu outbreak?

My friends and I have been planning a trip to Disneyland for a while now, and we haven't booked anything yet. But with the swine flu outbreak, my parents have grown very concerned about our travel plans. Should we just go ahead with our plans? Or should we consider another trip elsewhere?|||If there is a major outbreak, we may have a different story here, but the cases thus far are few. Chances of getting it are low right now.

Enjoy your trip, but be sure to wash your hands often, carry anti-bacterial wipes and try not to touch your face. These are things that you should do regardless, in an effort to keep from getting regular flus.|||We've just had a family return to Melbourne - after a trip to LA/Disneyland - where they picked up swine flu. Only mild cases with their three boys. Read this:,21985,25514556-661,00.html

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|||buy tamiflu and don't be afraid

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|||well the more important question is, is it WORTH it? To the people who would call you a sissie or an over reactor, just remember that in 1918 the swine flu mixed with bird flu hit American soil AND KILLED 675,000 PEOPLE and another 100 MILLION around the world.

Think vaccinations are the way to go? Gerald Ford tried that in 1975 with forced vaccinations.... the result? 500 people developed Guillain-Barr茅 syndrome and 25 died as a result of severe pulmonary complications from the complications to the vaccine!

So please, do NOT be over cautious, especially when you have family to protect.鈥?/a>

OH YEAH, PS, now on the news they just announced that airlines are allowing travelers to change tickets from Mexico to anywhere else without any penalties. I guess the airports are just over reacting also.|||There has only been a handful of cases of the swine flu in California, and all of the infected people recovered. There have been no deaths in USA as of yet, and I doubt you will be the first (it will most likely be someone who was visiting mexico). Trust me, while there is reason to worry, the flu is not yet a big deal. Of all the millions of people in DIsneyland, I doubt even one will have the flu. Swine flu is not easily passed from human to human yet. And if there is one person, it would be highly unlikely that YOU of all people will come in contact with this person.

Go. Don't let this stop you from living your life. Besides, if it turns out there is a huge pandemic in the near future, this might possibly be the last time you could go safely. If you want to feel safer, bring antibacterial hand wipes and avoid unnecessary contact. Try not to touch hands, and if you see someone cough, stay away. As of now, that is all we have been told to do to be safe: wash hands often and avoid contact such as shaking hands, etc.

But if you want to learn a little more about the flu:鈥?/a>

You'll be fine. Have fun :)|||cancel.

now is absolutely not the time to go to a place where people from all over the world go. you haven't booked anything yet, don't go anywhere at this time, wait until this thing plays out. we will know in about a week if this will explode or just be a blip. for now just sit tight, put all plans on hold.

also, don't ever go to disneyworld in orlando, it is overpriced and overrated. add to that overcrowded, you will spend too much money and too much time waiting on line. save your trip for this summer, and go to a beach area. fun in the sun.|||You should be fine, if your concerned about it then change your plan. There are not that many cases here in the US, only 11 cases right now. I highly doubt it that you'll catch it. If you do decide to go just wash your hands often and just have fun if you do decide to go to Disneyland.|||Unless there is a massive outbreak (therefore a run on drug supplies), the two main flu drugs have been shown to be effective against swine flu.

But then again, if you are going to be nervous all the time, why go?|||if I were you i'd wait until it's all over. Disneyland has visitors from all around the world, including mexico.

oh and BTW vaccines don't work for this new virus, and it'll take months for scientists do develop one|||its probably okay to go.

there hasn't been any severe cases in california yet (its cali right?)

i'm going to disneyland this friday with my school and it's not bothering me one bit. :]

just be aware and in the know.|||i say stay home

people say dont worry but at the end of the day... people will probs go to disneyland from mexico

with case possible cases in new zealand,canada scotland spain.france.usa

i suggest stay close to home

Mike|||Don't be little sissies. If you do get the strain, at least you acquired it while visiting the Happiest Amusement Park on the planet.|||You should be fine, the outbreak in california isnt that bad, yet....|||u should reconsider ur trip and travel to the BVI's!!!!!!! And while ur'e at it please be sure to visit jost van dyke to see the famous world renown FOXY'S!|||Stay away from the Three Little Pigs will be fine. Beware of the Big Bad wolf too.|||I just got back from disneyland, and had a blast. I wasnt worried about it all, and im still not.|||um very slim chance you will get the swine flu at disney land.|||don't travel at all ..the airports are all contaminated|||I doubt it.|||NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY HOME|||it's fine.............your percentage chance of getting anything is....

0.000000000000000000000000000000000000鈥? :)

tom xxx

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