Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is quickest way to travel in the space?

We always talk about space travel and lots of films about outer space and all. But how much our science has achieved till now? With known methods how much time would we really take to reach to nearest star? What are known obstacles?|||Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion or also known as M2P2 designed by Dr. Robert Winglee of the University of Washington is probably the best way to travel to the another solar system, read these links to find out more and what it can do.


http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headline鈥?/a>|||with known methods we can already reach the closest star with no obstacles save for food, waste and air.

The Sun is our closest star ;)

That aside, I assume you mean closest neighboor star... current technology will never get us there. We'd need cyrogenics and whoever goes will never be able to contact earth again due to the distance problem... plus the fact that we're limited to conventional fuels like nuclear or ion...

how about we settle the moon first, THEN we think about how to get somewhere interesting?|||Currently, our space ships are chemically propelled and burn a lot of fuel just to get out of Earth's tight grip of gravity!

The spaceship needs to get over 7 miles a second to break free, which NASA and their Russian counterparts have been capable of doing for nearly half a century!

Once free of gravity, these chemically operated vehicles can really pick up speed with very little additional fuel. However, acceleration does require fuel, and fuel requires large and heavy tanks! And so, missions seldom travel much faster than escape velocity once they are well away from the Earth, as seen in the old Apollo missions.

A good way of attaining increased velocity is to use the gravity of large mass objects such as the moon and planets, to sling shot into the desired directions.

Ion propulsion systems are being experimented with and nuclear powered ships are not a new concept.

Perhaps the most romantic and atavistic future concept spaceship is the sail-craft. It is not much unlike a sailboat, but instead of Earthly winds, driven by the sun, it relies on the direct winds of our sun!

If a space ship were to leave Earth on a trip to the nearest star (after our sun of course) and cruise at a constant velocity of 10 miles a second (about 50% faster than escape velocity) it would take about 80 thousand years to get there.

Better step on the gas! Or better yet, use a constant accelerating system where a comfortable and familiar 32 feet per second per second is maintained. This would shorten the transit time dramatically!|||The most powerful propulsion system yet designed is that of using nuclear bombs and a push-plate. Basically you drop a bomb out of the back of the ship and you have a very strong shield facing the bomb. The bomb them pushes you away with it's shock wave. Radiation is not an issue in space.

It's not possible to reach any star other than Sol within a human lifetime with current propulsion technology. You could reach another star by simply having a self-sustaining ship that would support multiple generations of astronauts. You couldn't reach your destination, but your decedents could if you started the trip.

As far as a self-sustaining ship though we're still quite a ways off from that as well, but it's certainly something that will be reached much sooner than a new propulsion system capable of nearing light-speed.

NASA and the rest of the world do not seem to be interested in that technology at all though so you can forget about an ETA.|||there are ion engines being developed which travel at super high speed and deliver continous thrust to reach hundreds of kilometers per second unlike the present gravitational sling which is very slow and reaches only about 5km/sec and also in the future nuclear engines will be develop which will allow us to travel near to the speed of light!

What is the quickest and cheapest way to travel from country to country in europe?

I have been to Germany and Netherlands and traveled around by train. I bought a Euro rail pass, but it was 260 dollars and only took me to 3 different cities. Is this the cheapest way to travel? Ryanair I hear is cheap, but I haven't done research yet. Any suggestions? Should I bus it?|||Definitely Ryanair or Easyjet

Have a look at their sites:




The only small problem of Ryanair could be the fact that the airports which its planes land at are never the central ones, but are a bit far from the city, so you have to take a bus in order to arrive in the city, it usually takes 1 hour about, but this is perfectly compensated by its prices...

P.S: don't trust those people who say that Ryanair is not safe, they're only sceptics that can't understand why its tickets can be so cheap, but they totally ignore that safety is not the thing which is "sacrificed", there are other things that allow Ryanair to be so competitive like the low number of workers, a "no frills" politic, the fact that the taxes of the ariports which are used by its planes are lower than the ones in the central airport etc etc...

Have a good Journey!|||The Quickest way would be to fly but not necessarily the cheapest.

Going by coach is really cheap but it takes a lot longer tho, A Euro rail pass is ok it depends which one you get tho.

Ryan air is cheap but you might be limited to where you can fly from certain countries because they have alot of flights from the uk but not necessarily say from France for Example.

I would get a coach pass or a Rail pass again and explore Europe from the inside as by plane you dont get to see any sites on your way to your next destination.|||It really depends on where you're going. A Eurail pass is usually only a good deal if you take a train trip nearly every day, and some of the trips are overnight so you save on hotels. I'd research the prices for individual tickets. The German rail site is a good place to look, even for trips to countries other than Germany..

Ryanair is a very cheap airline with a horrible reputation (although they weren't so bad when I flew them.) Europe has lots of other cheap airlines, too. The flycheapo site linked below is a good source to find out about them.

Long distance buses are also a possibility, but they're not particularly fast. I'd look for cheap flights.|||Well, I've bussed it, and one time I rented a car in France (driving to Germany) with three other people and split it (if you don't have a credit card, find someone who does, who wants to go too, and then everyone gives that person some cash).

Last time I went to Europe (2006), my girlfriend got our Euro rail passes here (in the US) and they were for unlimited service -- we hit about 10 different cites. If I remember right, the cost was about what you said you paid ($260/each person), although it might have been more, but it was unlimited service.

Check with AAA or a travel agent or go online, I know in many cases you can get a much better deal on Euro mass transit pases IF you buy the passes here before you go.

Anyway, Good Luck and Have Fun!|||cheapest way is railway that to euro rail pass.

How to paint an aluminum travel trailer?

I've bought a 1988 Sunline Travel Trailer that I want to paint. Its aluminum and just looking for suggestions. I really don't have the money to have it painted professionally but I would like a professional look.|||Sorry but I have never seen one of the aluminum trailers home repainted that looked good. This is a job for professionals. Why don't you go to an auto (truck is better yet) supply to get aluminum cleaner to shine it up?

What may be the cost for three weeks' budget travel in France?

I am planning to travel to france with my family (total 3 persons) for three weeks in july 2011.How much money should we arrange for the travel excluding international air fare? We prefer budget travel.|||80 to 100 Euros a night, 80 to 100 Euros food a day, minimum. You're not saying where, what you want to visit, how you want to travel, and my crystal ball is not working so you'll have to look for the rest yourself.|||well im not sure and cuz ur not going to pay me to do ur job, the only advise is if u really want to save go to hostel.com its like $20 per person per nite intead of $120 per nit plus $20 per extra person rite. soo go luck

What is the cheapest and best way to travel from Berlin to Krakow?

I am traveling from Berlin to Krakow this summer and I have found very inconvenient, expensive ways of getting between the two cities but I feel there has to be an easier way. Any suggestions on the most efficient (night trains etc) and cheapest way to travel to Krakow from Berlin? Thanks!|||A $80 single way air ticket from Berlin to Krakow is kind of acceptable, about one hour flight with Air Berlin, what do you think?

How many countries do you travel to while in infantry Marine Corps?

How long do you stay at each port? How far can you travel away from the ship? Experiences.|||You can be stationed at places like Japan for a year or more. Your unit can go TDY there for a few months. If you go to someplace like Afghanistan it is usually a 7 month tour. Some places you will go for a few weeks. The Marine Corps does training with several countries. They have trained with PLA Marines in China, Indonesia, and other countries. They train with South Korea and in Norway annually. Whether you go to these places depends on what unit they send.

Most port calls range from a couple of days to several days or longer. In most places there is no limit as to how far you can go as long as you report back at the proper time. Sometimes you go for longer periods for peace keeping or humanitarian aid.

Here is an example: "After six months, six countries, six languages and six cultures, Landing Force Detachment, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, is set to head home.

The LF spent almost four months on USS Tortuga (LSD-46) in the Southeast Pacific region, stopping in Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia in support of Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) 2010. CARAT is a series of bilateral exercises held annually in Southeast Asia to strengthen relationships and enhance force readiness." http://www.usmc.mil/unit/3rdmardiv/comba鈥?/a>

Another example: "MAHE, SEYCHELLES 鈥?Marines from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit along with Sailors assigned to USS Nassau participated in a liberty port stop here June 25-28 to take some time off and visit the east-African island after being deployed at sea for approximately five months without a port call." http://www.usmc.mil/unit/24thmeu/Pages/2鈥?/a>

BTW, the MOS isn't really important in many cases. All the MEU's have support from many MOS's.|||In my tour in 1968 was 13 months in Nam, then few months at Qutomono Bay Cuba. Was in the states in between those missions. I was a supply clerk.|||your infantry damn i gotta hurry up so i dont have to wait so long

How feasible is it to travel to other solar systems?

If we could travel at the speed of light, it would be possible to escape time thereby negating the concepts of hours, minutes ~ years. Thus we could move from anywhere to anywhere in an quantified instant, making the most distant parts of this universe just a hop, skip and a jump away (minus the skip and the jump). Am I looking at all that correctly?

And how far are we from achieving that, short of a monumental breakthrough Quantum Physics?|||not feasible.

traveling to the nearest star (alpha proximia) with the fastest ship we have now would take approximately

34,000 years.

Traveling the speed of light (if it is possible) would still take 4 years 4 month. still not a very good plan..... especially if you want to go further, like say 20 light years away.

we are closer to the quantum breakthrough than traveling the speed of light (it takes WAY too much energy)

quantum tunneling should lead us much closer and quicker.

plus bypassing the speed of light and just teleporting would make these "trips" MUCH MUCH more feasible.

time travel.......... interesting concept. I think we could not move if we "stopped" time for us (the traveler)

and if we stopped time in the universe (all except us) we'd still have a long trip.

now time and space are supposed to be linked. if we can manipulate time, we could manipulate space.

so building a worm hole by manipulating space would be more feasible,

who knows?

Dr Mallett might know

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHC8z6ULs鈥?/a>|||Traveling at the speed of light, provided it was possible, it would still take a few years to reach the nearest planetary system. Probably the astronauts would have to be hibernated for such trips.|||you're looking at it correctly, however one can not say how far we are from developing that technology, it is just a theory %26amp; until some major breakthroughs occur a theory it remains. with current technology it would take too many lifetimes.|||Nope. You are wrong.

Even if we could travel NEAR the speed of light, the actual journey in Earth time would still take as long as the time light takes to go to the point of interest and back.

At a couple of g's of ship acceleration it is theoretically possibly to reach galaxies 10 billion light years away in a lifetime. But including the expansion of the universe it would take 50 billion years of Earth time to do that... in other words, there would be no Earth, no sun, no galaxy to come back to. It would all be gone. The universe would have grown old and dim. And all you would have done is to spend your life in a flying coffin.

Wanna go for a ride?


PS: there will be no breakthroughs in quantum mechanics. QM changes absolutely nothing about basic relativity. If you think that sucks, so be it. Nature is not impressed.|||It would take more energy than there is in the entire solar system to speed up a person to light-speed. If all the mass of the sun and planets was converted to energy, and somehow used to speed up one person and her equipment (1 ton), she would reach a speed of 0.999%26lt;total of 53 nines%26gt;998 of light speed.

Time dilation would then allow her to travel across the universe in less than a nanosecond (14 billion years back on Earth, which was somehow left out of the mass to energy conversion).

Now if we just had the engineering to convert the Suns mass to energy ... maybe in a few 1000 years.|||You can't escape time.|||There is so much negativity associated with this concept that to indulge in compliance immediately tandems the speculator to conform to the negative approach.Therefor the preferred result must be erroneously simple and immediately overlooked.

How easy is it to find people to travel with during and after a study abroad programme?

I will be studying and travelling in Europe, but the answer doesn't have to be specific to Europe. This question is more about the ease of finding people to travel with.|||u have to blog, write to certain sites and seek such friends through your school / friends. not easy but start blogging

How do I leave the corporate world to become a travel writer?

I'm a good writer and I love travelling and I want to make it a career. Plus, I've travelled to lots of places in the past and I know for a fact that the corporate world is not the place for me. What does it take to become a fulltime travel writer and leave a company that rarily allows vacation?|||The first thing you have to do is get yourself established as a writer. Once you have a decent portfolio, the next thing you have to do is find an employer who is looking for a travel writer.|||Most of them are free lance writers and you won't make enough money to live on. Have another job too...

Is it okay to travel in Muslim countries during Ramadan?

We are planning to visit Turkey for 10 days from August 25 to September 4. Any travel tips?|||Not sure about Turkey (never been, though it's on the list), which is quite liberal, but generally the main problem during Ramadan is finding somewhere to eat and drink during the day (tourist hotels will have food available). Most shops and maybe some tourist sites are likely to be closed during the afternoon.

In any case, just show some understanding ... would you want to be thirsty on a hot day and watch someone down a bottle of chilled water? :-)

Fabulous meals to be had when the fast breaks ... the iftar meal is taken very seriously. And the shops stay open until the early hours ... can be a great experience bargaining in a souk at 2:00am! Make sure you have plenty of money for at least one decent rug.

Check out what Rough Guide or Lonely Planet have to say about Turkey itself, and the places you will be visiting.

I hope you have a great trip.

.|||There is nothing wrong with travelling in muslim countries during ramadan. Infact it might be a lifetime experience, seeing how the entire country lives through the fasting all day and the iftar at night.

TIPS: Check if the country you are visiting allows you to eat and drink during daytime in public or not. Some countries laws do not permit that and you might end up in jail.

Another tip is to live like the residents do, and would be great if you can eat at iftar time like everyone else, you will enjoy the trip :)|||The very purpose of ramazan is to awaken and rejuvenate ones spiritual mind and soul.if this trip helps you to experience that ,in a whole new way then I say u go for it,of course it means that the schedule does not tamper with ur prayer timings and its not over exhausting.it wud definitely help u to know how ramazan is celebrated in a different country,n give zakat to the ppl there...so go for it ,happy ramazan!|||This should be wonderful..most Muslim countries have great markets setup during Ramadan, Its a wonderful atmosphere particularly after sunset...Check out the wonderful local cuisines made specially for Ramadan..I am sure you will have no problems.|||Yes, it is OK and there is usually restaurants for the tourists and the people that are not Muslim, but they are rare though.|||It's ok and I'm sure of it ! Islam teaches us to be kind to all people even he's not in our religion %26lt;3 %26lt;3

And these people above me didn't have A religion? Im sure you're nothing thoo..|||You might need to keep regular fluid intake on a journey one the way there so you might have to make up for fasting.

other than that have a good time!

Ramadan Mubarak!|||i think there is nothing wrong with traveling during Ramadan since its a Muslim country but im not sure

hope that helps :)|||hi :)

its fine to travel when its Ramadan but you dont have to fast. make up for these ones you missed after Ramadan.

i hope i helped :) xx|||yeah but as ur going for at least 10 days u have to fast there, have fun (mmmm turkish food :D)|||If you're a woman, you'll surely be taken advantage of (kidnapped) and raped. That is the mentality of most Muslim men. Just look at the Oslo statistics. All the rapes of the past three years have been committed by immigrant offenders from Islamic countries.|||I suggest you travel with at least two males because Muslim men will probably have at you. - Muslim man rapes two year old little girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de5Y68JXn…|||Muslims do noy generally like outsiders

Do people really steal garden gnomes to travel with and photograph?

Do they really travel the world with them photographing them in front of famous landmarks only to then mail that photo to the gnome's owner? I travel quite a lot and I like photography....this seems like a perfectly reasonable tourist activity that would make a trip more interesting.|||Yes I am an addicted gnomgraph. Whoa that felt good. I have been stealing them for years. In my dark basement I have hundreds of photos of gnomes in unpopular places and positions. I have a bunch in North Korea. THIS FEELS SO GOOD TO COME OUT AND TALK ABOUT MY PROBLEM THANK YOU%26lt;|||i thing gnomes are evil and take over people's minds and tell them to take them on vacation...-_-

How do I get my cat to travel 21 hours in a car?

How do I get my cat (She does not like to travel 10 miles to the vet) to travel 21 hours in a car, with a dog she hates?

I'm also on a kinda short budget

Thanks so much in advance!|||In addition to visiting the vet for a sedative, I would go to Walmart and see if you can pick up one of those soft cat carriers that have a lot of ventalation. I think they sell them for relatively inexpensive.

I also liked the idea of putting an old t-shirt you have worn in with her so she can feel more at home.

Bring along a dish for food and water, and when you have to let the dog go potty, give the cat a small amount of food and water. You don't want to give her a lot of food orwater unless you want potty issues!

I would recommend also grabbing a large amount of paper towels, and a garbage bag in case of an accident. You may want a change of cage liner as well!

Hopefully the sedative will let her sleep most of the way so it is an uneventful journey!

Have a safe trip!|||She needs her own crate (if you can't afford a new one, try looking on craigslist for one) with a bed and water to make her comfortable. Then put her in a different area of the car than where the dog will be.|||Sedation... and a little cozy "tent" for him to hide under. See your vet for sedatives. Otherwise you might have a screaming cat going crazy for 21 hours.|||Talk to your vet and have him or her prescribe a good sedative. Make sure both animals are in cages or crates that have excellent ventilation. If possible do not have their crates facing each other.

Some people would tell you to buy an anti-anxiety supplement at the pet store, but since it's apparently going to be very traumatic, I say go for the sedative. Besides, most supplements cost as much if not more than sedatives. Vets will usually prescribe a sedative for long trips without qualms.

Please do not just lock her in a cage or crate without sedation. If you do she will be totally hysterical when you release her and will run wild. You could actually lose her when she goes "wild" in new surroundings.

Good luck.|||Before you go on your trip, take her to the vet and let them know you are taking a long car ride and see if there is anything they can give you to keep them calm. Separate the two animals, each one in their own carriers and make them very comfortable. Good Luck.|||I recently traveled 5 hours with my cat, then back a couple days later. She was not in a cage and roamed the car. Mostly she laid on the back seat. She got sick and threw up ALL OVER the back seat. That was a bummer.

I'd recommend:

- bring something for the cat to sleep on - one of your t-shirts, a sweater - something that smells like you.

- bring plenty of paper towels in case she gets sick

- if you're traveling with someone, they must be prepared to hold and comfort the cat until it gets less freaked out.

- bring moist cat food - that's where the cat gets water from

On the second 5-hour trip (back to home), the cat was MUCH better than the first time around. The more you drive, the more the cat will get used to it. Good luck!|||I would put the cat in a "cat-carrier" if you have one. If you don't, and don't have the money, you can make one out of a cardboard box or something. I would make sure it is VERY secure, has air holes, a little water, and a small conatiner of litter, along with a blanket or something to sleep on. Some food too. Then you can just put the dog in the back seat next to it. Make sure the box is well ventilated, but also make sure the cat can't see the dog. OR, put the dog in a carrier and let the cat roam around (more dangerous though if the cat wants to explore the foot pedals). It may be uncomfortable all cooped up like that, but it's only temporary and he/she will get over it.

Besides, you'll be cooped up in a box for 21 hours that barely fits you (aka your car) so why can't your cat suffer along with it's owner?|||In my experiences with cats, they only freak out for about 10 or 15 minutes. After that they calm down and it's no big deal.

My cats hate being in a carrier. They like to be free in the car. I just answered a question that I had 2 cats and a dog and we drove 24 hours straight. One cat and the dog hated each other, but they were fine on the trip. They knew that they had to tolerate each other.

I've driven cross country with my cats many times and after they chill out and calm down everything is fine.

Sometimes the short drives are worse than the long ones.

What's the cheapest way to travel from London to Liverpool and to return back on the same day?

I going to watch a football match in Liverpool on 12 of September and I need to travel to Liverpool by train from London because I can't drive because I am 16 of fly because it Is expensive. Could you please post links to websites were they have cheap fares. Last thing I am travelling with another 16 yr old and I need to get back the same day.|||It will take you 2:40 minutes from London Euston Station to Liverpool Lime Street via Manchester Piccadilly (easiest route).

It will cost you only 拢27.00 return (wow did not realize it was that cheap, I may come down to London some time).

Enjoy tour time in the great city of Liverpool.|||Mr Hello's knowledge of railway geography is somewhat lacking: trains from London Euston to Liverpool Lime Street do NOT go anywhere near Manchester, unless there's engineering work on the line (which sometimes takes place on Sunday; certainly there are none currently shown for 12th September). Standard class off-peak (all trains on Saturday) return fare is 拢66.40 - get 1/3rd off if you have a 16-25 railcard, so about 拢44.20 in that case. Advance fares, for travel on specific trains, can be as little as 拢11 one way, but there won't be many seats at those prices - book early if you want them. Journey time 2h08m on most trains, some take 2h29m. Don't travel back later than the 19:48 from Liverpool, otherwise you'll be spending most of the night in the waiting rooms of Wolverhampton, Northampton or Manchester Piccadilly stations!|||There are no flights from London to Liverpool; trains run hourly from London Euston to Liverpool Street and take 2 hours 10 minutes; the cheapest tickets are those you buy in advance for specific trains - you should do this as soon as possible. Go to the ticket office at Euston Station or www.virgintrains.co.uk

An annual 16-25 railcard will give you a further 34% discount.

www.railcard.co.uk|||The chap above has it right - and Mr Hello is a little bit dim.

The earlier you book your train the cheaper it will be|||subway walk jog drive sprint use a friends gas card and car|||hitch hike lol

What are the requirements to be a travel agent in Texas?

What are the requirements in becoming a travel agent in Texas or where can I go to find out? I want to start a travel agency online but really dont know how. I know that I should start with what kind of requirements I need from the State. Please direct me in the right direction.|||i am directing you towards google|||A permit

see your local City Hall!

What's the cheapest way to travel from London to Nottingham return?

I want to travel to Nottingham for a few days to see my sister in April and I don't know the cheapest way to get there. I have a 16-25 railcard but have found that the cheapest train fare costs too much even with that. I've also looked at travelling by coach but that's not much cheaper either. I don't want to spend anymore than 拢30. Does anyone know the cheapest way to get there?|||A return fare with National Express coaches in April, costs 拢23.70, for an "amendable but not refundable ticket".

However, if possible, why not try to visit your sister before the end of February, when a return "funfare" will cost you just 拢10.00p return.

http://www.nationalexpress.com/greatvalu鈥?/a>|||Walk, or bike would be the cheapest.|||hitch a ride

Is it advisable to travel to dalhousie in december?

We college friends were planning a trip to dalhousie between 20th and 24th december. Is it advisable to go there in december? What are the different modes to travel there from delhi?|||i have never been there but my mama was posted there when he was in the airforce and he used to say it was freakishly cold. so cold that water pipes would burst. (that happens when the water in the pipes freeze). if you are from a warm area, i dont think it would be a good idea.

going to hill stations during winter has its own charm, i went to ooty last dec and shimla the december before that.

How much does a travel agent cost normally?

I am planning a trip to New York City in July for about 4 days with a few of my friends. We need to get a rental, hotel, and we want to do alot of stuff in NYC. Would a travel agent be best or would it save money to do it myself?

How much do they normally cost?

Thank you!!!!

We have never been there!|||Travel agents don't charge anything. If you happen to find one that does leave immediately! Something is fishy there. You can go to a travel agency, get some brochures, ask some advice, then go home to think about it. You can also research for yourself on the internet to find deals. If you like what the agency offers then book the trip through them.|||Travel agents do not charge you to make your travel plans. fond a local travel agent and take the worry out of booking your vacation. make sure they belong to ABTA or IATA .

Where to report educational travel on tax return?

I stayed at a hotel for a continuing education course. Do I report that as part of my educational expense deduction, or as a business travel expense on my tax return? Thanks!|||It is not deductible.

It is deductible only if it is required by your employer and you can then deduct it as employee job expenses on schedule A (itemized deduction). Read http://taxipay.blogspot.com/2008/05/item鈥?/a>|||And you couldn't take the class in the city where you live because? You couldn't drive home each night because?

If you intionally took a CPE class in a remote city to take a vacation, you can'd deduct any more than the class tuition.|||I agree with the above posters. You would claim such as by opting for the itemized deduction, instead of taking the standarized amount. However, I am not sure if the commuting cost to get CEU's to continue whatever license you have would qualify.

How many different paths can a bug travel from Point A to Point B?

How many different paths can a bug travel from Point A to Point B along a network traveling ONLY South or East?

(Point A is at the top left of rectangle with 3 columns across and 2 rows down, Point B is at the bottom right of the rectanvle) I need an answer and how you got the answer (formula). Thanks.|||Infinite

The bug can go 7/8th of a row down - across - and down - and across.

The bug can go 6/8th of a row down - across - and down - and across.

The bug can go 5/8th of row down - across - and down - and across.

etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/16th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/32nd of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/64th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/128th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/256th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/512th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/1024th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/2048th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

the bug can go 1/4096th of a row down etc. etc. etc.

etc. etc. etc.

etc. etc. etc.

Infinitelyy closer to point A and also infinitely distant from point A without ever reaching B

And we haven't even began speaking of the infinfinitestances ACROSS.

But looking at it this from another perspective.. a circle is merely an infinite number of triangles ranging from the extremely acute to the extremely (or infinitely) obtuse.


What are some quality tips for great travel experiences at a low low price on a regular basis?

I like doing outdoor Experiences in and around nature. I like sleeping in comfortable beds at an affordable price. I want all my bills paid for so I can travel the world for a few years before I die of whatever I caught well travelling the world. Can you help me?|||check out http://CheapoTravelOnline.com to find cheap travel prices.

If you want to travel on a regular basis, you can even own your own travel business through a company called YTB ("Your Travel Business") and write-off your travel expenses as a business expense (tickets, meals, etc.) and get most of it back when filing taxes.

You can go to http://ytb.com/cheapotravel to learn more and click on the "View Company Presentation" button to learn more about it or email me at cheapo_travel@yahoo.com to get more info.|||Staying at hostels or renting rooms at local's places (taking the proper care, of course). Great ways to get know local people and interact, learn more from them and get exciting tips not written in the guides.

Trying to rely on meals from fast food (quite expensive) or eating local supermarkets' sandwiches. Meals sold at stalls can be good but watch out for the number of people around them and hygiene conditions.|||If you want to travel.... and not just sell travel, or belong to a cheesey network marketing company.... then you ought to look into becoming a professional group travel organizer.

It is a career that allows you to get paid to take luxury vacations with people. There is some work involved, but not anything like you would think. You aren't the tour guide, you don't have to speak the language, or know anything about where you are going.

You just have to decide on places that you'd like to go (when you'd like to go) and book the date!

How to get a job in the travel or airline industry in Dubai?

I have 6 years of experience in the travel industry. ( Branch Manager- travel agency)

I am keen to work in Dubai. May I know what are the ways for me to get a job in Dubai. Been trying to apply through various internet job applications such as Bayt but have yet to receive any offers.|||try searching for travel companies in Dubai on google website and see what comes up - if there's any companies you are interested in, search the internet page for a way of contacting them and then let them know your interested in their company and ask them if they have any jobs and if it would be ok to send them a CV

How long is the travel time from Batangas city to nasugbu batangas?

How long is the travel time from Batangas city to nasugbu batangas? What are the possible modes of public transpo that I can utilize?|||Bus...2 hours.

Jeepney...possible, but not practical.

How much should I get back for travel expenses?

I do travel work and have accrued about $7000.00 just in gas and hotel fees this year. This is my first year traveling. How much of that should I expect back in the form of rebate on my taxes?|||If you have business miles, it's not just gas receipts, it's mileage at 58.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, assuming you have the proper records.

What you save in tax for the business travel expenses depends on whether you are an employee or self employed. If you are self employed, the tax savings is the amount of the expenses times your tax bracket, so if you have $8000 in expenses and are in a 15% bracket, you'd save $1200 in tax

If you are an employee, you must itemize to get ANY tax benefit, and even then must first subtract 2% of your AGI from the expenses. So with $8000 unreimbursed employee business expenses, if you make $50K a year and are in a 15% bracket, your tax savings would be $1050 if you itemize anyway

How long would it take approx to travel from England to Jerusalem in the late 1100's?

How long would it take to travel to Jerusalen in the late 12th century? I know this is a vague question, but I'm not sure of the answer. Also, what would have been the most common form of travel and what problems could have risen? Eg. Weather or violence.

Thanks in advance!|||It took the Crusaders two years to reach the holy land. Most walked.|||Richard the Lionhearted was the only royal to partake in the Crusades. Which is funny, he ordered all Jews to not come to his coronation when he ascended the throne.

On his quest to the Holy Land he was kidnapped and held in a tower in Germany for ransom. He started out in summer of 1190, by 1192 he is close by, but never at Jerusalem. A year later he captures Jerusalem, but the city falls within a year back to the Muslims Satraps.

There is a lot going on. Richard I is basically French, but owes his title to England, he doesn't speak English, the king prefers Lombardy France. The army is 4,000 knights, 4,000 pikes and 100 ships. So ship is the only way to get to Jerusalem.

To read about the Middle-Ages it is remarkable how much travel was done, but it seems to me the usual was 3 years round trip from England to the Orient and back.|||Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots left on a crusade to the Holy Land on 24 June 1268 and on 9 May 1271 he finally landed at Acre. The crusade accomplished little, and Edward was on his way home in 1272 when he was informed that his father had died. Making a slow return, he reached England in 1274 and he was crowned king at Westminster on 19 August.

So it appears about 2 to 3 years would be the time taken.

Interestingly he has another connection with Isreal, or more accurately the Jews as he threw them out of England and forbade them ever to return.

Their usury business 鈥?a practice forbidden to Christians 鈥?had made many people indebted to them and caused general popular resentment.In 1275, Edward had issued the Statute of the Jewry, which outlawed usury and encouraged the Jews to take up other more productive and honest professions. In 1279, in a crack-down on coin-clippers, he arrested all the heads of Jewish households in England and had around 300 of them executed. Coin clipping was a particularly crude method of theft whereby the edges of coins (at the time made of precious metals) were clipped off, hoarded and eventually sold, thus debasing the currency. For this reason the edges of coins were milled with fine lines to thwart this crime.

In 1280, he ordered all Jews to attend special sermons, preached by Dominican friars, with the hope of persuading them to mend their ways and take up usefull employment, but these exhortations failed so Edward formally expelled all Jews from England with the Edict of Expulsion in 1290 which has never been repealed, although iIn 1655, Oliver Cromwell recognized a petition by Rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel and granted Jews the right to once again reside in Britain and in 1753, the Jew Bill was passed by the British Parliament, which allowed Jews to be naturalised through an application to Parliament. However, neither of these laws meant that the 1290 Edict of Expulsion was rescinded, the reigning monarch has to sign a decree that overrules the edict.|||The pilgrimage to the Holy Land from Britain usually took a year, if of course you could do it at all; the roads were full of bandits, plus wild beats, plus sudden illness...

An Army moves slower, so if you were with the Crusaders, it would take you bout a year and 9 months.|||It depends on the plane you were using

What jobs require global travel or interaction with other cultures?

Hey all,

In class one day one of my students asked me why is geography important, am I ever going to use this?

To respond to his question I am trying to put togther a list of careeres that require global travel, or interaction with other cultures. I have a small list so far but have hit a wall. Any suggestions?|||import export any sales person can do it a little bit unsafe right now ,but big money to be maid.points of contact out of Amsterdam.|||Tour guide, military, missionary, ambassador, oil companies, flight attendants, interpreters, fashion industry, researchers, CEOs, travel agent, buyer for a department store, entertainers, electronic manufacturer, chip manufacturer|||Interpreter, flight attendant, missionary, treasure hunter, marine biologist, archeologist, president.....I just hit the same wall lol.|||All of the above ~ plus actor, model, photographer, news reporter, teacher, pilot, builder, enviromental work, working with endangered animals, etc|||in the fashion industry, sometimes need to go to other countries, like Italy|||peace corps - my sister is in it and during the 2004 tsunamis, she went to help others in other countries.|||journalism

What direction would you travel to go from buffalo to schenectady?

this is a geography question cause i want to travel there. Thanks for the help.|||south|||Do you mean Buffalo, NY to Schenectady NY? I would go east on I-90. It's about a 5 hour drive.|||East

What happens after proteins travel from Golgi apparatus to lysosomes?

Proteins travel from ER to Golgi to lysosomes. What happens to proteins when they go into lysosomes?|||The transport vesicles from the ER fuse with the cis face of the Golgi apparatus (to the cisternae) and empty their protein content into the Golgi lumen. The proteins are then transported through the medial region towards the trans face and are modified on their way. Possible modifications include glycosylation or phosphorylation. The proteins are also labelled with a sequence of molecules according to their final destination.

The transport mechanism itself is not yet clear; it could happen by cisternae progression (the movement of the apparatus itself, building new cisternae at the cis face and destroying them at the trans face) or by vesicular transport (small vesicles transport the proteins from one cisterna to the next, while the cisternae remain unchanged).

Lately, it is also proposed that the cisternae are interconnected and the transport of cargo molecules within the Golgi is due to diffusion, while the localisation of Golgi resident proteins is achieved by an unknown mechanism.

Once the proteins reach the trans face, they are embedded into coated transport vesicles and brought to their final destinations. The form of the vesicle is determined by the type of protein and the label it acquired.

An example of the Golgi complex's functioning is the modification of glycoproteins (used in cell membranes). Vesicles from the ER contain simplified glycosylated proteins. In the Golgi Apparatus, carbohydrates are attached and removed from these glycoproteins, creating a diversity of carbohydrate structures on the proteins. After they have been secreted in to the cell the vesicles fuse to the cell membrane and release their contents.

As well as protein modification, Golgi apparatus is involved in the transport of lipids around the cell as well creating lysosomes -- organelles involved in digestion.

What theory on time travel do you find easier to believe?

Whenever my friends and I are hanging out, we always seem to end up arguing about which time travel theory is the most legit. Most of my friends say that the "Back To The Future" theory is right, but I say that theory from "LOST" is the right one. What do YOU guys think?|||I'm not familiar with the t.v. show "Lost", but I am with "Back to the Future". Einstein's already been mentioned, but I'd propose that according to his theory of time dilation we are all time travelers already. Consider a rotating fan. The outermost edges of the blades would be moving more quickly (distance per unit of time, not rps) than the inner lengths of the blades or the hub, therefor the edges would be "aging" more slowly than the rest of the fan, one end of an object traveling forward through time at a different rate than its other end. Likewise, a point or object (or person) at the equator travels a greater distance each day than one near the polar regions. As suggested, we'd need a "thing" or a transport which could safely carry us near (not at or faster than) the speed of light to travel forward a great length of time. I think moving forward through time at a controlled rate and moving backward through time at a controlled rate are two different mechanics, as the forward happens to us all "naturally" at our own individual rates. Maybe an answer to both would be similar to a warp drive, but instead of warping space around us we'd warp time and leave space as is. I picture the H.G. Wells time machine, but why not a DeLorean, right?

Going backwards in time would require a science not yet discovered or understood. Physicist Jack Sarfatti did some work with FTL (faster than light) transmissions, signals sent through a chamber of cesium gas (?). Him and others doing the same experiments claimed speeds over the speed of light (300 times, was the highest I recall), their "evidence" being that the receiver seemed to receive the signal before the transmitter sent it (maybe based on time stamps?), a sort of reverse time dilation: traveling FTL moves you backwards through time. The oldest note of this suggestion I know of was in the book "The Dancing Wu Li Masters: an overview of the new physics" published in the 70's or 80's, and Sarfatti had discussed it in a "Time Travel" episode of a Discovery Channel show... I'm thinking "Beyond 2000" but it was around 1998-1999 so I can't say for sure. If there is any truth to this idea, then a vehicle or even a transporter beam might be capable of sending someone backwards in time as well as forwards. However, travel could be limited per the idea that the traveler could not go back to a time before the time machine was built, which would mean Dr. Brown could not travel back to the old west. The only "loop hole" I can see for this would be either: A) discovering a "time warp" engine which could warp at FTL speeds (maybe a flux capacitor?), making the "time span" of the vehicle relative and not fixed or linear; or B) discover a way to use a pre-existing cosmic body/system for travel so you could go as far back as its creation, black holes or worm holes seem like the usual suspects, though it may be something we've yet to discover or consider. Maybe even a Star Trek variation, where the Enterprise is simply a time traveler like her crew but the sun itself acts as a carousel-like time machine, allowing travel between the time span of the sun and not just the time span of the ship.

Einstein's theory of time dilation has been tested and proven through use of atomic clocks and space travel, but I've yet to see any major acceptance of Sarfatti's idea of FTL signals. However, we can't fully define "time" any more than we can fully define "gravity" (can we say for certain that they are indeed causes and not only effects?), so the true answers may be totally beyond our current expectations. My greatest optimism for time travel lies in knowing we once believed vehicular flight was impossible, and we believed traveling faster than sound was impossible, and we even believed sailing around the world was impossible, so the claims that time travel is impossible do not dissuade my contemplating the matter.|||Under ideal conditions, any relativistic effect is a time travel event, be it moving quick through space to event changes across vast distances to black hole's growth exceeding stable limits. All of them have the ability to affect the observer's time table. As for tv shows and movies, they're for entertainment purposes. In all likelihood, actual time travel (with the exception of traveling in a fast vehicle) will be a terribly boring experience, because macroscopic relativistic effects are rarer.|||I heard that using relativity of the best ,Albert Einstein we will be able to travel to the future!

Just when we find something witch has the speed of light .

An example;

when we travel in this "thing" for 2 years, we will find the earth 40 years later!

thanks by-by|||I think that people that have traveled to our time are lost and want to get back to the future.

Thus, either one could be right or wrong or right and wrong at the same time. Great Scott.|||I believe time travel is impossible.|||Not sure about either of those theories. Mine is that if time travel was at all possible, then why have we not had many visits from people who live in the future?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkxieS-6W鈥?/a>

What is the best, cheapest way to travel around Australia?

I plan on traveling for my first time to Australia soon. I plan on staying in Bendigo for a couple of days because I have a friend there. Then I would like to go to Sydney for the Opera house, Australia Zoo, Uluru rock and Kangaroo Island. I need to find some cheap ways to travel. Also I plan on taking a train from Bendigo to Adelaide then from Adelaide to Darwin, just to see Australia. Need all the help and advice I can get.|||i live in bendigo it will tak agers on a train to adelaide|||Am not sure about other states - a google search will do it, but for instance if you travel by train from Brisbane to Cairns (all up the coast of Queensland) you can buy one ticket, but you are allowed to get off and on as much as you want but use it up within 3 months. This way it's cheaper travel, you can see as much up the coast, stopping at towns, cities and doing your sightseeing.

Trains are The Tilt Train and The Sunlander for Qld.

For other trains and where they go see http://www.railpage.org.au/railmaps/ or http://www.railaustralia.com.au/whichRai鈥?/a>|||They really got lot of great deals. I mean orbitz. You can have really cheap tickets there.|||Virgin Blue and Jetstar - quickest and probably cheapest...|||Look on Orbitz, they have great deals!

What are the best days of the week to travel?

I am planning on going to Ft. Lauderdale Fl in the next few months (prob. Aug/Sept) and Im wondering if there is a better time of the week to travel. I want to get the lowest price on my flight and I know it is usually more expensive to travel on the weekends rather than on a week day so I just want to get some idea of when to travel. I did a search and the lowest tickets I found were around $250 is this a decent price?|||Well, according to Rick Seaney, the CEO of FareComapre.com, the best days to travel are on Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, because the number of passengers dip, which make prices go down. He also said for even more saving avoid flying on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays, when the prices are traditionally higher, because thats when there are many business travelers, and airlines know that business travelers can pay the extra cost. He also said that airfare increases occur at the end of the week, so the best time to purchase a ticket would be on a Monday or Tuesday. Have a safe flight!

Charles|||It is not easy to reply. Depends for the purpose of travel.

Business travellers tend to fly between 07:00 and 09:00 and return between 17:00 and 19:00 of the same day or the day of their return. On these flights there is demand and usually are full therefore the tickects are expensive. Of course they do travel on business day Monday to Friday. This applies to western and/ or christian countries.

In moslem countries the same roules apply for travels between Saturday to Wednesday/ Thursday.

In Israel the peak days are Sunday to Friday with similar times

Those who seek less expensive ticketc should seek departures on Tuesdays/ Wednesdays and return on Wednesdays/ Thursdays and Saturdays off peak hours [07:00-09:00 %26amp; 17:00-19:00] depending in the geographic area they are.

An advantage for the leisure passenger is to book at least three months ahead and take the benefit of airliner's special offers through the internet or an assosciated travel agent with possible restricions but very attractive prices.

In the intercontinental flights there is a similarity of customer behaviour


The best time to fly during the week is around 9 pm (all time are ist from chennai) if u r travelling to east or far east and in the late nights if it is for the north of chenai

The reason is that your biological clock will try to adjust the jet log fastly|||Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. Think least desirable for business people.|||The cheapest is Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's i would now i fly about once a week from New York to Paris and it is a lot more expensive to fly on the other days.

How long would you wait before you travel with an infant?

My daughter is 3 weeks old and my husband and I are planning on going to Israel to stay with our families/relatives for the summer. We live in Seattle now. I was wondering is it safe to travel with an infant this early and any tips on traveling this far with her?|||Well I'll be traveling with my son just shy of him being 3 months. The tricks I was told so that the pressure doesn't bother his ears for take off and landing is to have them either nursing or bottle feeding or give them a pacifier to suck on. And also call the airline you plan on traveling on to find out their rules.|||you should wait because on a plane it is going to bother her ears and she might start crying if she isn't sleep. but there is a trick i don't know if it works they say if you put two cups on her ears.. well i don't know

What are some careers that let you travel overseas early on?

I am interested in travel because I can't see myself sitting in an office when working. I want to be involved with cutting edge trends, whether in marketing, fashion, electronics, transportation, etc. What kind of career can I pursue that would let me travel maybe a couple times a year really early on, like without being really advanced in the field? Any serious suggestions greatly appreciated!

Thank you!|||Not very many. I think you'll find that the jobs like the ones seen in "The Hills" are pretty much made up for movies %26amp; TV. Travel is too expensive for most companies to send entry level people. Sure they exist but they are rare. Here are a couple of ideas you can research...

Work for a Cruise Line - especially on a ship. I had a friend who did this as her first job out of college and really enjoyed it.

Work for a manufacturer with multiple plants across the world.

Become an assistant to a person who must travel a lot.

Open your own business which would require you to travel.

How much does a travel nurse earn compared to an RN that takes a permanent position?

I am finishing up my bachelors degree and have been considering going on to be an RN. I have heard that being a travel nurse pays a great deal more in addition to covering housing costs. I am not even sure how much a nurse typically makes, but I would appreciate to hear about salaries and how the two compare. Thanks so much!|||My daughter is a RN and working as a travel nurse - her specialty is Pediatric ICU. She graduated in Dec. 2006 with her BSN.

She became licensed and started working as a RN in Feb. 2007. She started directly as a brand new graduate nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The hospital she worked for hires a few graduate nurses every year and puts them through a terrific 9 month orientation / training program for the ICU. She learned a ton. She got the travel nurse bug at the time as she worked with a few travel nurses in the ICU, and knew it was something she wanted to try.

She started traveling this past March 2008 - took her first assignment just shortly after having 1 yr of experience as a RN. Her first assignment was in Washington State which was great for her as she is from the midwest. She has seen a ton and has had a wonderful experience. She signed another 13 week contract at the same hospital and is just finishing that assignment. She is now onto New Mexico to work and experience her next 13 week assignment. This is with a 2nd agency, as the 1st one was unable to get her an assignment in N.Mex. (so far all of her assignments have been for 13 weeks)

She has found the travel nurse experience to be very positive so far. Her wages have been more then what she made working full time previously. She works 3 days / week , 12 hrs each - so has alot of time off--- often she will get 4 days off in a row and they take a mini vacation to see the sights. She has arranged to have 7 days off together for going away - still without taking any time off from work.

She gets a completely furnished apartment - meaning full furnishings, all kitchen supplies, bedding, towels, etc. All they need to do is personal belongs into the apt, unpack and enjoy. Her utilities are paid. Her travel expenses were paid for by the travel agency, as well as her licensing fee for each new state she goes to. With both agencies, she received a very nice sign on bonus also. In addition she gets full healthcare, 401K. There's probably things I'm leaving out.

All in all , when you factor in everything, she is making well over $50.00 / hr. Hard to calculate with all the benefits that you receive. Her apartment is over $1000.00 / month - she is in a very nice area that the travel agency arranges for her. At the age of 25, she is doing very well!

Traveling might not be for everyone, but she is loving it totally. It looks like such a terrific opportunity to me and we are all envious of what she is doing and experiencing!

Hope this gave you a bit of insight into the field. |||hello i am 20 years young and i am at college getting my general classes! my goal is to become a nurse especially a travel nurse. your info. helped me so much and i wanted to thank you! and the other answer too. thanks for sharing!~

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|||What you make depends on certain things like if you go through a contract company or if you are independent, what area of the country you work in, if you work nights and weekends. I will tell you that as a brand new RN traveling is not the answer for you. Go to the floor, get some experience, become comfortable with procedures and then think about traveling.|||You will make more as a travel nurse by far, but most companies will not take you unless you have two years experience on a med/surg unit. My suggestion is to get your BSN, work two years at a hospital then start looking at different travel companies. Good Luck

What is the best travel visa card that is prepaid and has the least start up fees?

I am going overseas and would like a travel card or something like that which I could use at ATM's. I am only in High school so I can not have a card from my bank.|||Many banks will allow high schoolers to have an account with an ATM card if their parents sign on the account as well.

Otherwise, try the one from AAA.

Are you able to travel to London and look for jobs without a visa?

I want to move to London after graduation, but obviously don't have a job yet. I was wondering if you need a visa to travel there and actively look for a job. I was planning on flying there before I graduated. I understand you need a visa to obtain a job, but do you need one to look for them and leave your resumes with companies and such?|||Legally no, but people do it all the time

If you want to come to look for a job, just don't carry any copies of your resume with you and don't tell them that you are looking for a job. Tell them that you are just on holiday and want to see Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and other typical tourist sites

But unles you have a Masters or PhD and a few years of relevant work experience, dropping off your resume isn't going to do anything. To be able to sponsor you, a company needs to prove that they advertised the position for at least 4 weeks and could not find one qualified EU citizen or legal UK resident to fill the job. With unemployment at the levels they are now this is almost impossible unless you are educated and experienced in a very specialised field - cancer research, chemical engineering, certain surgeries, etc

If you want to work in the UK one day your best bet would be to look for a job with a company in the US that has a UK office, then after a few years apply for an intercompany transfer which are usually approved.That's how most Americans end up working in the UK. I know Americans working for all sorts of US companies who got transferred over with their jobs - CNN, Google, Yahoo, Morgan Stanley, Disney, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, Estee Lauder, etc|||No. You will need a Work VISA. They will not let you in to the country looking for work. You need to be invited. But employer's are less likely to hire you because you do not have your stay and it will cost them more money to employ you. Unless you have a skill which they need and no one else has enough experience. Another thing is this. You need to be in well paid job. It's very hard. You have to be invited and be on a good wage.|||On Canadain or US passport you can goto UK for 6 months to look for job.But for workpermit you will be in the same TierOne (General) queue with several indians, chineese and rest of the world.

Is it safe to travel a long distance by car during the first trimester?

My husband and I plan to visit his family by driving from California to Montana. It will take us about 2 days each direction. I will be 7-8 weeks pregnant at that time. Is it safe for me to travel so long in a car? BTW, I am 5 weeks along right now %26amp; have no morning sickness.|||I asked my dr the same thing for my trip coming up.. 8 hours long. He told me that it is VERY important to stop every hour - hour and a half and walk around for a few minutes. He said that pregnant women could get blod clots and that it is something very major.

So, he said get out and walk every hour or two and I'll be fine and to stay hydrated.|||its perfectly fine|||Yes, of course it's safe. Why wouldn't it be?|||Yes you only worry about travling in your 3rd tri.|||Yes, you are pregnant, not sick! If you were in your third trimester I would have said no. But you will be fine, just make sure you keep drinking your water and have lots of bathroom breaks...to pee and stretch your legs. Hopefully the morning sickness won't come to you at all...but if it does it might be a few more weeks til it shows up...so that might make your long trip miserable. Good Luck with your pregnancy!!|||You should be fine, make sure you take stuff like crackers and sprite just in case you start getting morning sickness.

I'm 20 weeks and driving 20 hours this weekend.

Congrats :)|||stop frequently for potty breaks to stretch your legs

you'll do fine|||My understanding is that it should be completely safe. The only downside is that if morning sickness does start up (which it does for some around this time - not unusual for you not to have it yet) is that you might feel like complete crap. I'd suggest getting online to find ways to sooth nausea (ginger, soda water, bland foods, etc) to get you through the trip. Safety wise though, no problem.

How long is the travel warning to Mexico likely to last?

I'm planning to study abroad in Mexico this summer but my university due to school policy my have to cancel the trip if the travel warning is still in affect come May. Does anyone have an educated estimate for how long this warning may last?|||hey there depends what state will you will study on if u go to borders towns like reynosa cuidad juarez tijauana u will come back on a coffin becuase drug lords are there based central and south mexico are very safe to come ok|||Probably for years as the violence is due to the wars between drug gangs wanting all the business in the ul.s. However, this violence is in the border towns...the rest of Mexico is completely different. I live in southern mexico 20 minutes from the state capital...a city of several huge universities with thousands students from all over the world. There is no problem of violence here...same in 99% of Mexico. Just because there are violent gangs in south central L.A. would be no reason to not go to college in Chicago, or Atlanta, or other parts of the U.S. Makes no sense. Mexico is a very large country...you can live here for years and years and never witness any violence. Hope you ae able to come.|||indefinite. probably forever

How much more should one be compensated for excessive travel for a job?

I accepted a job a year ago that involved very little travel (10-20 days a year). Since then my job description has changed and my duties require me to travel 120 day per year or more, with trips sometimes lasting up to 3 weeks working an average of 15 hours per day, 6 or 7 days per week. Does anyone know of any resources that may help calculate an average of how much more "travel" jobs generally pay more than "in office" jobs.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks|||Usually "travel" jobs pay the same as "office" jobs, the only difference is the company either pays or you get reimbursed for air fair, food, rental cars and hotels.|||Ella is correct - generally assuming the facts are known at the time of hire

That said, when your job CHANGED there should have been a discussion on a comp change

You should have a discussion with your boss about this ASAP and you should concurrently start looking for another job (Unless you love what you are doing and there is a real future)|||Is the company giving you a per diem when you travel? Money per day for incidentals? Maybe you could ask you boss to increase this amount since you are traveling more and for longer periods of time. (Per diem money is not taxable income) Or ask them for a raise in your salary. In our company both office and positions that travel more are paid the same. The only difference is college degrees or work experience.

What is the best travel destination or place to visit in your state?

We will be starting to travel by motor home soon and are interested in starting to line up an itinerary. We are looking at the entire country, just no theme parks, we got over that when our children grew up.

Thank you in advance for your responses.|||Downtown Chicago. Food. Navy Pier. Millennium Park. Chicago Bears. Shopping. Plays and symphony. House of Blues. Multiple ethnic neighborhoods. The Lake and sight seeing tours of the skyline. Can't be beat.|||HOLLYWOOD!|||You should go to Boston Mass. Its a verry active place ^_^ you should really do there ^_^|||San Diego or Hollywood. Pismo Beach, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Just start at the bottom and make your way up the coast and their are motorhome parks all the way up and down the coast.|||Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods And the Airforce Academy in Colorado Springs Co., 4 Corners The only place in the US the 4 states meet CO. NM .AZ. UT. Mesa Verde Nat'l Mon. there's a few to start|||Mackinaw Island (although you'll have to leave the motor home parked and take the ferry there... no vehicles allowed).|||sorry I am not from the US|||If you visit California, you will find wineries throughout the state. Learn more about the wineries and their wines at this site:


If you make it to San Diego, find out what there is to do at this site: http://www.sandiego-romantics.com

For great restaurants along the way in any state, check out this site: http://www.chowhound.com

Two general travel websites that can provide good info are:



Have a great trip!|||Anywhere around Stanley, Idaho. McCall, Idaho is also great.|||Go to Corbin Kentucky.....its the home of the moon bow. It is a rain bow that happens at mid night over Cumberland Falls...truly beautiful. But it only happens on a full moon and the sky must be clear so you can't just pop in any old time. Corbin is also home to KFC if you would be interested in that...lol

Good luck!

Is it safe to travel to Mexico with peanut allergies?

I am planning to travel to Mexico with my family, and my child has severe peanut allergies. We still want to go to Mexico, but we don't know if its safe for my child.

Any one have any insight?

Thanks!|||In general Mexico is not very aware of the peanut allergy so you must be very careful when you ask if something has peanuts or has been in contact with peanuts. Actually there are no peanut free schools or things like that. I think that depends on the allergy grade you kid has.

Anyway, if you are going to a Hotel you probably can talk to the chef and make sure the food he is taking is peanuts free but again, if a chefs mistake can be a life risk I would think it twice. Pretty much like in the states.|||when traveling to Mexico you have to take into account that they are a lot less neurotic (for the good or for the bad) regarding laws, regulations and special considerations (such as peanut allergies).

It is not impossible to acquire peanut free food items, and depending on where you go there are good chances of being safe.

What countries can i travel to without a passport?

my friend is a felon and he doesn't think he can travel anywhere but i think you can.|||He's right. The point is, even if you found somewhere you won't need a passport for, you wouldn't be able to get back home again, they wouldn't let you in.|||well u can drive!

thats basically it|||If you are starting in the US - you'll at least need a passport to come back.|||American citizens cannot travel to ANY country without a passport. However, your friend wii not be prevented from getting a passport. felons Can get a passport. some countries will not let him enter...like Canada, the U.K., and some European countries. However, he will be able to enter many countries. Mexico, Central American, and South American countries do not do criminal background checks. Site below has a list of countries that do the checks, tho, there may be some others too.

How far on average does a bullet travel once shot up into the air?

I know the answer can vary depending on the type of gun and bullet you use but on average how far does it travel (let's assume a 92f 9mm). Also, once you shoot the bullet and it travels up towards the skies it eventually loses momentum and then falls to the ground, isnt it so? So if this happens when the bullet falls back to the ground the momentum and speed can also be just as detrimental to be fatal if it lands on someone's head, am I right?

If someone can shed light on this that would be great.

Thanks!|||On Average, the 9mm leaves the barrel at somewhere around 1,000 feet per second. The only variable on the return trip is friction from the atmosphere, wind resistance. And if it falls on someone's head, yes, it would kill them. In a vaccuum, it would be at the exact same velocity at that particular height. In reality, it would be extremely difficult to predict the point at which it returns or how much wind resistance will move the trajectory. It would make about 150 yards straight up before stalling out.|||Depends on bullet type and load. And, yes...it will eventually fall back to Earth (damn that pesky gravity!), and will go right through your skull into your vitals. Happens every New Year's.|||well a bullet will travel a in excess of a mile (uninterumpted) when shot horizonatally (near enough)

so butching all the phyics it would for all intesive perposes be reasonable to assume that it would travel a similar distance upward?|||That's a fantastic question. sorry cant answer, but have to read the rest of your answers.lol

What are some really cheap ways to travel?

I want to find a cheap way to get from South Carolina to Detroit Michigan. I can't afford to drive or take a bus because I only have about 75 dollars. Is there any cheap ways to travel? I heard that sometimes people can travel on buses that are very very inexpensive. I desperitely need some ideas. Thank you so much.|||hitch hike

What type of law job involves a lot of travel?

I want to be a lawyer because I am interested in law and politics but I also want to have a job that involves traveling. I am interested in corporate law because I also like the idea of working for businesses. I want to know if corporate lawyers travel for their jobs if not what type of lawyers do get to travel.|||JAG

How did the vikings travel on land?

I was wondering what type of vehicles the Vikings used to cross land. From historical records it shows that the Viking's used sleds. Are there and other things the Vikings used to travel across land?

Also, where would they use this vehicle, what cargo would it carry, and what materials would it be made out of that were available to the vikings.|||Yeah sleds I would say, since the Vikings were people of the North-Polar regions. Actually I doubt they travelled on land much. They are renowned for their expert sea craftmanship.|||What the did was have these little holes at the bottom of the ship for their legs to stick through. So when they hit land the rowers below deck would stick their legs out and carry the ship across land.|||They weren't that famous for their land transportation. The probably had some carts of wood, their own feet, and horses. I doubt they used sleds much unless it was in their own home land. Too far south, they were unusable.|||They made wagons and had horses plus the famous huge feet carried across land!! Of course they are most famous for

their ships and exploring!!!|||Depends where they were. They won't use sleds in the middle of the forest would they?|||they used their feet, duh.|||Horses. and something that looks like a wagon.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Is it safe to travel from Bangalore to Mysore in a Honda Aviator?

I am planning to travel from Bangalore to Mysore ALONE in my Honda Aviator. Some friends have warned me that it may be dangerous to do so in gearless vehicles. Have any of you done so? What precautions did you take?|||No problem to travel. It is 4 lane highway. Roads are good. Try to maintain average 60 Kmph speed.

Driving during day time advisable.|||Follow Safety measures - It will help you in your safe destination|||These days, it might not be safe in a Sherman tank.|||only one can go or go with wife

What is a good travel site offering tour packages to central and south America?

I had a link to a travel site catering to students, but have since lost it. It seemed like the tours cost almost 1/2 as the others I'm pulling up from Google. I just remember it had a simple gray background.|||Hi!

If you google it you will find lots of big companies that do the same and offer almost the same prices, is not hard to find them...

But in person opnion travel with them is a risk because they used to contact some one in area any got contract with them but they don't really know the local team so you can have some trouble with that!

I recommend to search for local agents of the destination you choose... is more safe and cheap, or find global portals that cares for destination like WHl.travel...

I travelled to Rio by them, is a cool concept of travel, they are a local agency in each destination they have, in rio is http://www.riodejaneiro-hotels.travel/

check them is good option i really recommend!


What is the best travel vacation package for Puerto Rico?

This is a vacation package for my boyfriend and myself. We don't know about the particulars for finding the right vacation deal that will help us save some money (airfare, hotel prices, etc), so any help would be extremely useful. Is there a travel agency you would recommend or a specific hotel? Is there a difference in price between going during the Summer months versus the Winter months? Any and all details you wish to share would be very useful so we can get an idea of what to look for and what to expect. Thank you so much!|||I'll recommend that you visit this website http://www.seepuertorico.com/ there you'll find a lot of info about packages, activities to do and much more.

How fast does blood travel in the circulatory system?

specifically, its speed. Like for example, how long would it take one red blood cell to exit the heart, travel around the body, and end up back at the heart again.|||In a normal system, blood travels at about 6 to 8 inches a second. The smaller the vessle it has to travel through the higher the pressure and thus greater the speed. in all teh smaller vessels the blood travels faster tahn a bullet.|||Faster than a speeding bullet!|||i forgot|||In a normal system, blood travels at about 6 to 8 inches a second. The smaller the vessle it has to travel through the higher the pressure and thus greater the speed.|||varies with too many factors.....for a mph answer, but it might be listed in some anatomy texts as a little tid bit fact.

whether a person is exercising or stressed or not, how fat-lean they are, whether they have restrictive clothing on, high BP or not are all factors (but pulse rate and stroke volume are the key factors if person is of normal health) A drop of blood flowing in an elderly bradycardia patient is slower than a person with tachycardia doing sprints! Also blood flow is VERY slow in capillaries where there is a real tight squeeze and rbcs go thru there one by one; fastest in aorta where strongest musclular force is and largest vessel diameter.|||It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.|||"It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body."

It will not traverse the whole body (every blood vessel) in that time. In smaller vessels, there is a "stop ... go" system, controlled by muscles in the wall of the arterioles. These can clamp hard, stopping flow of blood, for a while. Thus, speed of travel varies a lot.

In larger vessels, you get "laminar flow" of blood; it moves faster, in the centre, and slower, near the wall of the blood vessel.|||My biology teacher said that the blood travels at a speed of about 45km/hr in the arteries only. I'm sure about that, however I don't know what it does in the veins and blood vessels|||I'll be honest, I DO NOT know

What is the best credit card for travel rewards?

For someone that has never had a credit card before, what credit card would you guys recommend? Bank, Commercial, etc? I like to travel a lot so I figure one with travel rewards would be good. Advice?|||Consider what makes the card best for you.Does it have a annual fee.Can the rewards/points be used differently say for hotels, airfare, car rental or other travel discounts.I had a Northwest Airlines Visa and liked it but they were bought by Delta and you have to open a new account with them.Not really a good time right now.Where you fly most from should be a major input.Good Luck

What career in photography allows you to travel?

I am interested in a career in photography and i like to travel.

There are lots of wonderful careers in photography and i want to know which one offers more traveling.

Thank You.|||Travel










A lot depends on the clients.|||a lot of fields in photography let you travel, such as wilderness, wildlife, photojournalist, etc...|||My favorite is fashion photography. But you can try someting to do with nature.|||Travel photographer?|||a "non-local" wedding photographer|||Company rep.

How days will it take me to travel from Michigan to London by bus?

1) How long would it take to travel by Greyhound bus?

2) How long will it take if I travel by train?|||London.. Ontario? what part of Michigan? Detroit? a few hours from there...|||What? You cant get there by bus....|||Unless there is a "Michigan" in Europe, or the bus rolls onto a ship and floats there; you can't get to London by bus.|||sorry the bus doesn't swim you cant get from Michigan to London UK

by bus

now if you meant London Onion Canada that would be a different story

but you will need your passport

What is your favourite travel destination and why?

Personally I love Norway-lovely friendly people, beautiful scenery, not overcrowded, and amazing natural events like the Northern Lights %26amp; the Midnight Sun. So then, what's your favourite travel destination and why?|||Norway is good but i like the beach and heat. Hawaii is the place|||Lebanon

My husband is there. Even if he wasn't there its still a beautiful country full of history.|||Bryce Canyon in Utah, as it is so beautiful. My husband %26amp; I (plus our girls and even our nieces and babysitter) have been there several times. It is worth a yearly trip.|||Glennville, Georgia. It's in the middle of nowhere and totally not my type of place. But my boyfriend lives there so flying there means seeing him.|||china

i have brought up in china and i still haven't travel led around china! because there are so many interest places with beautiful scenery and historical stories.

i hope one day i can travel around here and then around the world.|||mexico the festivals are great and the people are fun!!!!!!!!!!!!|||I love going to Europe, any part. But to be more specific, I was so impressed with Bulgaria last summer that I'd live there if I could.|||i love st lucia as it was where me and my hubby got married - lovely friendly people too!

How does the electron travel when the light is turned on?

Imagine that you are an electron in the outer energy level of an atom, that is of phosphorous coating of a florencent light bulb. Decribe the way you will "travel" when the light is turned on.|||I(electron) get kicked out of my valence band and I am free from the attraction of the nucleus. Now, there is an field around me(due to applied voltage) which pushes me towards my goal. That goal, is the terminal having lesser potential.

Now, coming to travel, I will bounce off other atoms when trying to reach my goal. Due to this bounce, I will lose some energy but ultimately will complete my voyage.

How long does it take for a travel from Canada to find a job in Australia. On average?

Traveling to Perth, but if there is a much better city to travel to and actually find a job than let me know.|||Anne, what do you mean how long doesn't it take? You talking flying time or what? You just can't leave here and go to Australia, without the right documentation in place, You immigrating, 12 months working holiday or what?

I think you need to check with the Australian High Commission in Ottawa.

Anne, what sort of work do you do now, are you a nurse, special ed. teaching, a shrink, your qualifications will govern the sort of work you get, if your looking down those lines. You have a few questions to answer.|||On a working holiday visa you can work at anything that comes along for a Maximum of 6 months with any one employer.

The usual type of work is in the hospitality industry, bar work (need RSA cert), washing up, cook helper etc. Plus the usual over the counter sales type of thing, including Hungry Jacks(Burger King to you), MacDonald's etc. there are always various other "lightweight jobs on the go.

If you stay in one of the many backpacker hostels there will invariably offers on the notice boards and word of moth from other backpackers.

The time it might take could be the day you arrive, or not, depending on the season and what you can do and what you are looking for.

If, as you say, you are "planning on just working a bit", why are you so concerned with finding other "much better city to ... actually find a job"?

Larger cities on the other side of the country could well have more employment opportunities than Perth if that really is a concern to you.|||Hi,

Can you tell us what kind of qualifications your have and what kind of visa you'd be on?

What are your thoughts on other dimensions and time travel?

I myself really do not understand the concept of other dimensions too well and I'm sure many others don't either. I was watching the science channel one day and they were talking about time travel and how it's possible that there are people from the future trapped in our time, because they don't know how to get back. They also mentioned something about how you could time travel and end up in a dimension that looked exactly like the one you are from, but it isn't. The idea that there actually is a future world going on at the same time as our own world is mind boggling. All of the people interviewed were respected scientists, so they obviously knew what they were talking about. What are your thoughts on time travel and other dimensions?|||We'll take the other dimensions question first. You have to remember that the discussion on time travel probably was talking about different universes or timelines. My viewpoint on dimensions is that they represent directions that can be traveled. Our everyday lives have four dimensions: height, width, depth and time. Some theories suggest that there may be as many as 26 dimensions in our universe but that the additional dimension are so tightly bound that we cannot perceive them through our regular senses.

Another set of theory suggests that our four-dimensional universe exists within a fifth-dimensional space. You may have come across this in discussions about ekpyrotic cosmology. One concept of this cosmology is that the Big Bang was an artifact of our universe "colliding" with another universe in this five-dimensional space.

For the most part, I don't know who is right about the structure of the universe. It will depend on who can come up with suitably detailed experiments that can prove one theory or another.

In terms of time travel, there are apparently some solutions to the relativitiy theories based on Einstein's work that will allow time travel into the past. However, one concept is that if you attempted to travel into the past, you would end up in another universe/timeline where you existed in the past. You would have effectively left your previous timeline as that timeline did not have you going into the past. To a certain extent, this concept steps around the concept of causality as it has an effect (your arrival in the past) taking place before the cause (your leaving the present).

This would mean that you would not be able to return to your original timeline as that timeline had no experience of your time travel. You would be effectively stranded in a timeline that would be, for all intents and purposes, just like the one you left with the only difference in that there would now be a time-traveler in it.

This situation is similar to the one you mentioned re: travelers from the future currently in this timeline. The question is whether this is the case. Are they being very good at keeping themselves under cover or is it that they don't exist? I would think that if they were isolated from their original timelines, they might want to use whatever tech they have to improve their positions here. However, short of Windows and such, I haven't seen any such ... hey!|||Time travel into the future is easy and has been done already. (If by time travel you mean "I stay about my same age, while things around me pass much further into the future." ) All you have to do is physically move much faster than the folks into whose future you want to travel. Einstein says then your time and your aging will pass slowly while theirs passes normally. You land in their future. Astronauts and clocks have long since been sent into the future (by a few seconds), that is, the future of the rest of us they return to, just by speeding in their rockets so much faster than we down here are moving.

Time travel into the past doesn't seem possible. Even the physicists who appear on the Art Bell radio show saying they know how to (using photon vortices) don't claim a person could move into the past and then return here, so that's not really travelling.

Additional dimensions are something NOBODY can understand or conceive of through experience. I certainly don't. But much or most of the scientific community believe our own universe consists of 10 OR 11 SPATIAL DIMENSIONS, the ones above #3 being tightly subatomically "curled" around the ones we see with our eyes. (Whatever that means.) Even if real, higher dimensions are more a mathematical scheme that anything you can play with or see or operate in or move in/out of. They sort of only were useful during the first few moments after the Big Bang. However the scientific community is beginning to back away from the thought of higher dimensions at all (thank goodness -- they don't make sense!!), as String Theory falls into disfavor. So the dumbest of us were right all along!|||a dimension is usually the measure of something. the 3 dimentions is the measure of length and time travel is possible with black holes anyway got to bbc.org.uk/horizon and you will find a lot of answers|||If time is a dimension, then motion through it in all directions should be possible. But, like a black hole, if the gradient is too steep, then travel is only going to be "one way". String/brane theory of additional dimensions is more mathematics than physics (so far). Mathematicians can (and have) create all sorts of multidimensional spaces. Most have no relation to reality and have little utility, some are useful in limited contexts: as far as I know they haven't yet come up with a space totally consistent with all of our observations of our space. But they're trying! Until they do we can just count the 5 dimensions we know about x,y,z, t and p (for probability). Oh, then there's spin... and...|||The standard view on dimensions is 3 + 1--3 for space and 1 for time, after Einstein's concept of space-time in general relativity (which has been verified in several experiments). Theoretical analyses such as the string theory suggest that there are up to 10 dimensions, and there also exists theories that may make travelling back in time possible. However, these theories are not currently testable or verifiable by experiments (though it is true that they are inspired by verified laws of physics), so they should not be considered as science at this stage (at least this is a common view held by the experimentalists in my physics department; I mean no offense to the theoretical physicists).|||Everything you are asking relates to quantum physics. Also to the same extent it relates to video games. Please let me explain. In Quantum Physics is states that anything can happen, absolutely anything, one thing can change to another, can get bigger, smaller, even change color and mass at incredibly small levels. Anything can happen, and does, just in an "infinite" number of dimensions. It has even been proven that things go back in time for undetermined amounts of time. I state, it is imposssible, IMPOSSIBLE, to go forward in time while staying in the same dimension. That is just how it is.

Fate, if you believe in such a thing, does not exist in the way you may think it does. We do not have a preset destiny, and we do not entirely have control over our own destinies, instead we have a number of roads we may choose, incredibly large amounts of choices, "bordering" on infinite, in every dimension we have a choice, so you could say every time we make a decision we jump dimensions.

Not knowing the class of mind that you are, I wont go into detail, no offense. Although I will say the only way we could travel into the future, if at all, would be to jump dimensions. and the only difference inbetween them could be that a single quark in an atom in a sun in some foreign galaxy is moved to the right and infinitely small amount, for all we know.

Now about video games, less about video games actually, and more about video game engines... Video game engines are almost exactly like the real realm. Like the age-old question "If an unstopabble object hits an immovable object, what happens?" Well in a game engine, and also in quantum physics, called tunneling. If an object's mass and speed is too much for the universe, or game, to handle, then it goes straight through it without any disturbance. Well, that, or then entire universe would cease to exist, much like an exception error in a game.

I hope this helped, if you have any questions, ask Einstein.|||very vague|||I believe there are many dimensions that humans dont yet understand. Some very smart people set up the concept of measuring time based on revolution around the sun (year) and rotation of the earth about its axis (day). This was further divided into minutes and seconds. However, this is time set up be mere mortals that applies only to earth, which we know if a very small portion of the total universe.

We see pulsars (stars that brighten and darken in a rapid pattern) from thousands of lights years in distance. We also know that closer stars swell over a very long lifetime. I believe what as seen as a rapid pulsar may seem like a very long and drawn out process to those in close proximity to the star.

What if our own sun is expanding what seems to be slowly here. This would be one theory for global warming that also explains the temperature rising on mercury at the same time. An observer many years into the future (as we know it) may be looking at our sun as a pulsar, rapidly expanding and contracting several times each second as if a pulsar. This is one example of how time, distance, and velocity could work together in a way not fully comprehended by humans.

On the other hand, I dont believe living humans will be able to withstand the psyhcological stress of time travel. Even though to outside observers we may be in a rocket moving at the speed of light and be time traveling, inside the rocket, time is moving as it always has and we would die of old age before we went a couple million miles. Even in a state of sleep our bodies would age. But then again, if the rocket was a fully functional ecosystem capable of supprting sustainable life cycles and if families went out, then some future generation could return and this would be one form of time travel.|||So far the only dimension we know of are the three of space and one of time. Time travel is constantly occuring, when your hand is moving relative to your body, it is in a different time frame.|||Based on the uniqueness and the extrodinary properties that make life on earth possible. I would say that these are nothing more then human fantasy. The complexity of the dimensions and experience of time that we all share is more then we can imagine. So something beyond that would seem to be irrealevent...Knowing what we know about Classical %26amp; Quantum physics, it's virtually impossible that our universe was not designed by some intelligent force. Just the principle of the Strong Force alone, The force that binds positively charged protons together inside the nucleus of an atom, that should repel each other and fly apart, is so remarkable that it cannot be an accident of nature.|||Honestly, anything is possible. It seems that us human beings are expanding our realm of what is real. I believe that many parallel 'dimension' or 'universes' exist simultaneously, but on another vibration. Hard for many to comprehend (myself included!), but not impossible.

What information would be helpful for domestic and international travel?

The company I work for is putting together an information packet for our employees when they travel. What sorts of information do you think would be helpful to have for international as well as domestic travel? Anything that you can think of would be great, some ideas we have are hotel amenities, passport information, travel itinerary. Can anyone think of anything else?

I really appreciate your help.|||Medical . Make sure which medical facilities accept your med aid or insurance. Make contact with medical facilities beforehand and keeptrack of procedure .

Security. Make sure you know what the crime rating is for areas you are going to visit. Get security contact numbers for assistance.

Find out if Police services are user friendly.

Use a gps for travel in areas you are not familiar with.

Make sure you know how to stop bank cards and how to have new one issued incase to are mugged or lost one.

Email certified copies of all your personal stuff ie pasport,drivers licence ,bank details,medical insurance etc to your self. You can then retrieve copies of anything you lost from a secure internet facility ie at a hotel.|||Find more about this at:http://world24hours.googlepage鈥?/a>

Report Abuse

|||Personal things; Bringing aspirin/medications, some toiletries and a few changes of clothes on a CARRY ON bag. Losing your luggage, especially in an international trip, is horrible and happens more often than people think.

Also, having a little baggie, even a sandwich baggie, where you keep everything important like passports/visas/ids so that in between hotel switches or transfers you KNOW where your essentials are and where to look for them before you leave that place.

Money. This is a personal decision, but when I travel abroad to europe for over a week I enable my bank card to work at overseas atms. You have to call your bank in advance and let them know you want this, otherwise your bank might not allow 300 to be drawn out at an atm in amsterdam because they'll think it might be stolen (haha, sounds silly but you never know)