Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How did the vikings travel on land?

I was wondering what type of vehicles the Vikings used to cross land. From historical records it shows that the Viking's used sleds. Are there and other things the Vikings used to travel across land?

Also, where would they use this vehicle, what cargo would it carry, and what materials would it be made out of that were available to the vikings.|||Yeah sleds I would say, since the Vikings were people of the North-Polar regions. Actually I doubt they travelled on land much. They are renowned for their expert sea craftmanship.|||What the did was have these little holes at the bottom of the ship for their legs to stick through. So when they hit land the rowers below deck would stick their legs out and carry the ship across land.|||They weren't that famous for their land transportation. The probably had some carts of wood, their own feet, and horses. I doubt they used sleds much unless it was in their own home land. Too far south, they were unusable.|||They made wagons and had horses plus the famous huge feet carried across land!! Of course they are most famous for

their ships and exploring!!!|||Depends where they were. They won't use sleds in the middle of the forest would they?|||they used their feet, duh.|||Horses. and something that looks like a wagon.

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